Thompson Shuswap Salmon Collaborative Virtual Watershed Project


Thompson-Shuswap Salmon Collaborative (TSSC) is working with Bonaparte and Skeetchestn First Nations on an exciting new project to create virtual watersheds of the Bonaparte and Deadman Rivers using a tool called NetMap. This is the first NetMap project in BC.

NetMap is a geospatial tool developed by TerrainWorks and has been used in the United States and Alberta to guide watershed planning and salmon ecosystem restoration. NetMap allows users to visualize and analyze complex geospatial information in a more integrated way, that can support identification of restoration and mitigation options that will lead to healthier salmon ecosystems.

Potential applications include identifying where restoration work, such as riparian planting and connectivity remediation, may confer the most benefits for salmon. The TSSC is excited to get this work underway and looking forward to presenting early results by this summer (as reported in TSSC February 2024 newsletter).

About TSSC

Secwépemc Fisheries Commission, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and BC Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship have come together as the Thompson-Shuswap Salmon Collaborative (TSSC) to facilitate communication and strategic coordination concerning the conservation and restoration of salmon ecosystems in the Thompson-Shuswap. The TSSC aims to be an ongoing and evolving action-oriented team working on priority projects to benefit anadromous salmonids in the Thompson-Shuswap region. The TSSC is not a political group nor do its actions function as consultation.

Photo by jim22lawrence/iNaturalist, CC-BY-NC