Species at Risk Resources
BC Bat Action Team
The 2024-2028 BC Bat Action Plan outlines a comprehensive strategy for bat conservation in BC over the next four years. It emphasizes the prevention and mitigation of threats to bats, including white-nose syndrome, forest practices, wind energy development, and climate change impacts like fires.
Journal of Ecosystems & Management
A recent study has synthesized existing information to guide recreational activities near breeding female wolverines, emphasizing the importance of minimizing disturbance to these sensitive animals. Disturbance can lead to females abandoning their dens, which can have dire consequences for their young, including increased risk of predation and energetic stress.
Fraser Basin Council
A report on the impact of agricultural effluent on salmon populations in the Nicola River watershed in British Columbia, Canada. The report presents findings from a study on the effects of agricultural runoff on salmon health and recommends strategies to mitigate the impact of effluent on the watershed.
Environment and Climate Change Canada
This update was produced by the federal government for the Canadian Committee for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and served as part of the background for the creation of TNCC.
BC Wildlife Federation
This important webinar explores the potential risks and benefits of hatchery propagation for conservation of Interior Fraser Steelhead. What does the scientific literature say?
BC Wildlife Federation
This important webinar explores and evaluates hatchery propagation for conservation of Interior Fraser Steelhead. How important are risks of reduced fitness and poor smolt-to-adult survival rates?
Government of BC
The Species and Ecosystems at Risk Local Government Working Group is a collection of municipal, regional and provincial government workers who are interested in joining conservation efforts to protect plants and animals and their habitats, facilitating discussions across sectors about species and ecosystem protection and collaborating on species and ecosystems issues.
Stewardship Center for BC
This Stewardship Practices guide for species at risk and other wildlife affected by climbing activities presents options and examples of good stewardship practices to reduce impacts to these species. The guide describes different activities people can undertake to help conserve wildlife and their habitat and also provides links to resources to take action.
University of British Columbia Okanagan
New research from UBC supports grassland preservation across western North America to help mitigate predicted northern climate-driven migration of the burrowing owl. The paper explores how climate change agendas must include protection of grasslands and the ways in which species can offer protection for grassland conservation appeal in climate policies.
The Warblers Birding Podcast
The Warblers is a Birds Canada podcast that shares Canadian information, insights and inspiration on the world of birds and bird conservation. The episode “The Wake-up Call: Burrowing Owl” features Graham Dixon-MacCallum, the lead of the burrowing owl project at the Calgary Zoo’s Wilder Institute and explores fun facts about burrowing owls as well as the threats to the birds
Grassland Conservation Council
he Western Burrowing Owl, Athene cunicularia hypugaea, is a Species at Risk in Canada and was extirpated from British Columbia (BC) in the 1980s. For 30 years the Burrowing Owl Conservation Society of British Columbia has been working on reintroducing the Burrowing Owl to the grasslands of BC through captive breeding and habitat enhancement.
Grassland Conservation Council
Eva Hartmann, BSc, RVT and Founder of Interior Wildlife Rehabilitation Society explores a local rehabilitation facility in-the-making. The webinar uses examples of other already licensed rehabilitation centres to explain the basics: what modern wildlife rehabilitation is all about, the need for a wildlife care facility in the Okanagan, and the efforts of building such a facility locally.
Grassland Conservation Council
This presentation summarizes some of the projects occurring within Dr. Larsen’s lab, all focusing on conservation issues concerning the Western Rattlesnake. In many cases, fundamental study into the natural history and behaviour of the animal has revealed aspects of its ecology currently not taken into consideration.
Stewardship Center for BC
The Stewardship Centre for BC provides a number of resources and guides that provide information, options, and examples of good stewardship practices that address major threats to wildlife and species at risk.