Riparian Funding Opportunities
Riparian Funding Opportunities
Explore the funding opportunities available to support Beneficial Management Practices in riparian areas in BC.
BC Climate Agri-Solutions Fund
BC Climate Agri-Solutions Fund (BCCAF) provides cost-shared funding to eligible producers and supports the training of certified crop advisors and agrologists. Eligible farm businesses can apply for a maximum cost-shared funding amount within each BMP category over the 2023/24 program year.
The cost share ratio is 70/30 for all BMP categories, 70% of the eligible costs can be covered by BCCAF funding, up to the maximum funding amount.
BMP Category Maximum Amounts:
- Nitrogen Management: $30,000
- Cover Cropping: $30,000
- Rotational Grazing: $20,000
BC Forage Council On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) Program
The Canadian Forage and Grassland Association OFCAF Advanced Rotational Grazing Program is available to all agricultural producers in Alberta, British Columbia, Quebec, and Saskatchewan who want to develop or expand their rotational grazing practices. Eligible Expenses: Grazing Plan, Fencing, Water Systems, Improving Pastures.
All applications must have an accompanying rotational grazing plan developed through CFGA's Advanced Grazing Systems program.
Producers can apply for projects up to $20,000 per year with a cost share of 70 program:30 producers of eligible project expenses. Projects of a larger scale may be eligible for more than $20,000 on a case-by-case basis.
A total of $75,000 is available over the life of the program (combined total OFCAF funding from all sources).
Beneficial Management Practices (BMP)
Once producers have completed their Environmental Farm Plan they can access the funding opportunties provided by the BMP Program. The BMP program has many funding options for producers to apply for to integrate beneficial management practices on farm. The list of BMP's is available here.
The cap for BMP funding is normally at $70,000.00/farm. Application periods open on a regular basis.
Ecological Gifts Program
Canada’s Ecological Gifts Program provides a way for Canadians with ecologically sensitive land to protect nature and leave a legacy for future generations. Recipients ensure that the land’s biodiversity and environmental heritage are conserved in perpetuity.
Made possible by the terms of the Income Tax Act of Canada and the Quebec Taxation Act, it offers significant tax benefits to landowners who donate land or a partial interest in land to a qualified recipient.
Environmental Farm Plan (EFP)
Voluntary self assessment of agricultural operations to identify the agri-environmental risks and opportunities. Agricultural operations will work with an EFP Planning Advisor to complete. Funded by the Canadian Agricultural Partnership Program.
The Environmental Farm Plan Program is a free program for eligible farm operations to participate in.
Farmland Advantage
Farmland Advantage takes a regional approach to address environmental and climate concerns. Using site selection methodology that is unique to an area’s specific challenges (e.g. wildfire, drought, or flooding), Farmland Advantage targets farms that have the potential to improve the health of the ecosystem in the immediate and surrounding areas. Helps farmers identify the natural values on their land that can be protected and enhanced, and develop recommendations and plans to preserve them.
These plans include:
- Water or Stream Setbacks
- Strategic Fencing
- Reforestation
- Rangeland Enhancement
Enhancements funded and Farmer compensation of approximately $3,000 per project.
Farmland-Riparian Interface Stewardship Program (FRISP)
Designed to assist agricultural producers in their efforts to protect and enhance water quality, riparian vegetation, and fish habitat by providing a wide range of services for riparian/fish habitat enhancement, waste management issues and/or restoration projects, including:
- technical information
- training
- advice
- project prescriptions
- cost estimates
- project support
FRISP does not fund capital expenditures nor labour for projects; such funds and/or materials are sought from various other program, organizations, agencies and in-kind donations. Funding partnerships are encouraged for project; in-kind donations by applicants are recommended and encouraged to ensure long-term sustainability of the program.
Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation Stewardship Grants
Funds projects that focus on creating stewards and engaging people to increase their knowledge, awareness, and understanding of fish, wildlife, and their habitats. May involve direct action in which people are stewarding the land (e.g., restoring a wetland, creating specific habitat features, removing invasive plants) or indirect action in which proponents work with others to achieve positive outcomes for fish and wildlife (e.g., landowner contact programs, citizen science, hands-on educational programs).
There is no upper limit on funding requests but there is a 3-year limit to project funding*. Stewardship Grant budgets typically range from $10,000 to over $80,000 annually, with an average grant of approximately $30,000.
Indigenous Food Systems & Agriculture
The Indigenous Food Systems and Agriculture Partnership Program (IFSAP) supports First Nations and Indigenous communities, businesses, and organizations in increasing food security and sovereignty over their food systems and strengthens Indigenous peoples’ success within the agriculture and food sector.
This program funds activities involved in agriculture, food processing, and/or food systems planning, training and skills development, technological adoption, productivity and profitability improvements, and climate change adaptations.
The program provides up to $80,000 of funding per project.
Pacific Salmon Foundation Community Salmon Program
The Community Salmon Program supports the volunteers, community stewards and First Nations who undertake salmon conservation projects that meet the following objectives:
- to empower community stewardship groups by funding projects to conserve and rehabilitate Pacific salmon stocks and habitat;
- to increase awareness and public engagement with issues related to Pacific salmon;
and, - to create partnerships with diverse organizations in support of salmon rehabilitation.
Applicants are limited to one Short Form application (single-item requests not exceeding $2,500) per funding round, and unlimited Standard Forms (requests over $2,500).
Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands (SARPAL)
SARPAL is an initiative supported by the Government of Canada under the National Conservation Plan. The goal of this initiative is to help recover and protect species listed under the federal Species at Risk Act (SARA) through voluntary stewardship on farmland where critical habitat for SARA-listed species are found.
$15,000 per project, 2 project cap per ranch.
Looking for More Information?
Learn more at AgriService BC or contact your local Environmental Farm Plan Advisor, and visit Farmland-Riparian Interface Stewardship Program.