Grasslands Resources
Grasslands Conservation Council of BC
An e-guide designed to provide guidance to off-road vehicle (ORV) users on responsible and sustainable practices while using grasslands in British Columbia, Canada. The guide highlights the environmental impact of ORV use and provides tips on trail etiquette, minimizing ecological disturbance, and complying with regulatory requirements. It is a useful resource for professionals involved in grassland conservation and management.
The Government of British Columbia
This booklet discusses how climate change may affect the cattle industry in British Columbia, and outlines strategies for adapting to these changes. It also includes case studies and resources for further information.
Grasslands Conservation Council of BC
This manual enables ranchers and range managers to manage grasslands in a pro-active and adaptive manner, providing ranchers with information and practices that can enable them to have productive dialogue and decision making on an equal basis with government that improves outcomes for both the grasslands ecosystem and cattle.
University of British Columbia Okanagan
New research from UBC supports grassland preservation across western North America to help mitigate predicted northern climate-driven migration of the burrowing owl. The paper explores how climate change agendas must include protection of grasslands and the ways in which species can offer protection for grassland conservation appeal in climate policies.
Grassland Conservation Council
This presentation introduces what grasslands are, their locations and importance globally. The presentation then narrows to explore BC grasslands and the factors that influence where we find them, their value, current challenges that face these systems, and potential solutions. Grasslands 101 looks at the big picture of grassland’s unique and important ecosystems.
Grassland Conservation Council
he Western Burrowing Owl, Athene cunicularia hypugaea, is a Species at Risk in Canada and was extirpated from British Columbia (BC) in the 1980s. For 30 years the Burrowing Owl Conservation Society of British Columbia has been working on reintroducing the Burrowing Owl to the grasslands of BC through captive breeding and habitat enhancement.
Grassland Conservation Council
Grasslands provide a variety of ecosystem services to humans ranging from carbon storage to education. Learn about the values of grasslands from the Grasslands Conservation Council of BC’s Executive Director and Board Members.
Grassland Conservation Council
This webinar features Dave Ralph, with the Invasive Species Council of BC, speaking on the impacts of knapweed and the threat it poses to BC’s grasslands. He explores knapweed’s complex and infamous history, and how to protect BC’s grasslands while exploring what the future of knapweed could look like.