Conservation Resources
BC Bat Action Team
The 2024-2028 BC Bat Action Plan outlines a comprehensive strategy for bat conservation in BC over the next four years. It emphasizes the prevention and mitigation of threats to bats, including white-nose syndrome, forest practices, wind energy development, and climate change impacts like fires.

Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia
Formerly known as Greening Your Title, the BC Conservation Covenant Handbook was updated in partnership by the Land Trust Alliance of BC and West Coast Environmental Law. This handbook outlines the best practices of “conservation covenants” for protecting private land ecologically. Conservation covenant details such as drafting, negotiating, modification and seeking professional advice are also included in this handbook.

Karen Price, Rachel Holt and Dave Daust
Karen Price (PhD), Rachel Holt (PhD, RPBio) and Dave Daust (MSc, RPF) conducted analyses to investigate the province’s claims about the state of old growth forests. The 2020 report includes urgent recommendations and concludes current policy will make matters worse.

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
This working paper reviews the growth of Regional Conservation Partnerships (RCPs) in the United States and the outcomes being achieved by those operating in Canada to determine whether and how these partnerships can support whole-landscape approaches to strengthen and accelerate conservation outcomes. The paper features the Kootenay Conservation Program’s (KCP) organizational structure as an example.

Okanagan Similkameen Stewardship Society
An overview of wetland ecosystems, their ecological and economic value, and the main stressors and threats they face. This fact sheet also includes recommendations for wetland conservation and restoration in the region.

Fraser Basin Council
A report on the inventory of the Coldwater River watershed in British Columbia, Canada. It provides detailed information on the physical characteristics, aquatic habitat, and fish populations of the watershed, as well as an assessment of the watershed’s health. The report is useful for professionals engaged in watershed management and conservation.

Ecology & Society
This article explores the integration of collaborative care concepts rooted in Indigenous knowledge systems into environmental governance. It emphasizes restorative practices based on caretaking ethics and reciprocal human-land connections, aiming to center decision-making on those most connected to the resources and their sustenance.

Journal of Field Ornithology
This study uses eBird data to examine how birds use mountain glaciers and snowfields, which are shrinking due to climate change. The study found that these habitats host many bird species, some of which prefer them over other habitats. Community science data provided valuable insights, but traditional surveys remain useful for rigorous quantification of avian biodiversity.

Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia
This report outlines conservation options for municipalities in each Canadian province as well as municipality conservation case studies. By outlining the different mechanisms by province, this handbook contains important details and examples to consider for conservation best practices.

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
This report provides a scientific overview of biodiversity in the Thompson-Nicola including threats, land tenures, and an extensive bibliography.

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Compiling information about the work of conservation partners addressing climate change, this report goes into depth about topics such as the adoption of innovative technologies, integrating priorities of Indigenous peoples, and more. The report also discusses case studies addressing the effects of climate change and the specific mitigative goals that conservation partners have used when it comes to those effects.

IPCA Knowledge Basket
The IPCA Knowledge Basket is a digital space created to honour, celebrate, and catalyze Indigenous-led conservation pathways in Canada, including Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs).

Thompson-Nicola Conservation Initiative
This best practices study, drawing on interviews with nine B.C. conservation programs, generated advice and guidance for the possible new conservation collaborative, Thompson-Nicola Conservation Initiative, which became the Thompson-Nicola Conservation Collaborative.

Invasive Species Council of BC
The new WeedsBMP app is a tool that can be used by BC’s agricultural community to identify and manage invasive species. This app is intended to educate agricultural producers on best management practices for invasive species, and its goal, in relation to the Kunmin-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), is to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030.

Environment and Climate Change Canada
This update was produced by the federal government for the Canadian Committee for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and served as part of the background for the creation of TNCC.

Life Worlds
Life Worlds sat down with University of BC’s Dr. Tara Martin for an interview covering the basics of conservation decision science and “priority threat management” — a field she is pioneering — and how it can help policymakers prioritize complex conservation decisions. They also discuss her lab’s work in the Fraser River Estuary and with First Nations across Canada.

Project Beaver
This infographic shares how the use of pond levelers are an immediate and cost-effective solution that prevent flooding by controlling the maximum water height of beaver ponds.

Thompson-Nicola Conservation Initiative
Recognizing the need to strengthen conservation efforts in the Thompson-Nicola region, several government and non-government organizations explored the need for a collaborative conservation partnership in the region conducting over 80 interviews with over 60 agencies, organizations and Indigenous communities. This informed the production of this report on priorities, opportunities and options for collaborative conservation, and the subsequent formation of the

Government of BC
The Species and Ecosystems at Risk Local Government Working Group is a collection of municipal, regional and provincial government workers who are interested in joining conservation efforts to protect plants and animals and their habitats, facilitating discussions across sectors about species and ecosystem protection and collaborating on species and ecosystems issues.

Pacific Salmon Foundation
We must take every step in our control now as climate-change related trends will make things more difficult for salmon populations in the years ahead. This demands urgency for Pacific salmon and for the 130+ species, including grizzlies, orcas and eagles, that depend on Pacific salmon. – Pacific Salmon Federation

Nicola Watershed Governance Partnership, POLIS Water Sustainability Project, and BC Water Legacy
The Nk’eʔxép Management Committee in the Nicola Watershed has taken a proactive stance on drought management by moving away from traditional drought responses. They are implementing innovative strategies that involve co-governance, collaboration with local water users, and proactive drought management that is informed by both Indigenous knowledge and western science.

University of British Columbia Okanagan
New research from UBC supports grassland preservation across western North America to help mitigate predicted northern climate-driven migration of the burrowing owl. The paper explores how climate change agendas must include protection of grasslands and the ways in which species can offer protection for grassland conservation appeal in climate policies.

Thompson-Nicola Conservation Collaborative
TNCC is working on a multi-year initiative, Conservation Planning for Climate Change (CPCC), which is interweaving Indigenous ecological and cultural knowledge and Western science to identify natural areas across the Thompson and Okanagan regions that need more conservation and protection. Watch this video to learn more about the CPCC.

Grassland Conservation Council
he Western Burrowing Owl, Athene cunicularia hypugaea, is a Species at Risk in Canada and was extirpated from British Columbia (BC) in the 1980s. For 30 years the Burrowing Owl Conservation Society of British Columbia has been working on reintroducing the Burrowing Owl to the grasslands of BC through captive breeding and habitat enhancement.

Grassland Conservation Council
This webinar features Dave Ralph, with the Invasive Species Council of BC, speaking on the impacts of knapweed and the threat it poses to BC’s grasslands. He explores knapweed’s complex and infamous history, and how to protect BC’s grasslands while exploring what the future of knapweed could look like.