BC and World Rivers Day, Sep 24, 2023


BC and World Rivers Day 2023 is set for Sunday, September 24. Rivers Day is the world’s largest celebration of rivers and the many communities and lifeforms they sustain, and it evolved from one cleanup on the Thompson River!

BC Rivers Day

In the Province of BC, the Outdoor Recreation Council of BC (ORCBC) coordinates the promotion of activities and events. ORCBC also has a host of Rivers Day resources including an event hosting toolkit, scavenger hunt, bingo sheets and more!


World Rivers Day

World Rivers Day is a celebration of the world’s waterways. It highlights the many values of our rivers, strives to increase public awareness, and encourages the improved stewardship of all rivers around the world. Rivers in virtually every country face an array of threats, and only through our active involvement can we ensure their health in the years ahead.

Join us in Kamloops this Rivers Day!

This Rivers Day, join TNCC and the Kamloops Naturalist Club for a clean-up on the banks of the Thompson River in Kamloops. Read more.

Please let us know of any activities you are planning in the Thompson-Nicola Watershed that TNCC can promote or participate in.

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